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 6 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Erhard Reuwich"Advanced Search
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Syrian Vineyard Workers Pausing for a Meal (recto); Text with Table (verso), published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Mounted Turks, published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Two Figures, called 'Indians', published 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Journey to the Holy Land, 1486. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.
Thistle (recto) and Thistle buds (verso) from Gart Der Gesundheit (also called Hortus...1929. Creator: Erhard Reuwich.